Saturday, March 7, 2009

My latest project

I have been refinishing my bathtub so that it was usable. The first picture is how it started. You can see the paint and caulk shavings in the tub after I had scraped and scrubbed that one little corner. You can also tell the rotting going on under the old caulking and the rotting overflow cover.

These are after I had already removed most of the caulking and had stripped the thing twice already.

These last pictures are after 5 strippings (by hand, I might add - after finishing the 5th stripping I was cleaning things up in the bathroom and found 3 steel wool pads for my little sander...UNBELIEVABLE) and then the priming, painting and caulking. This is after 1 1/2 weeks of work and waiting for things to cure...

I can't believe it's finally finished!


Parkinson Family said...

That's the same tub?? Fantastic! Well done, Lori!!!

Amy said...

Wow! What a lot of work! It looks really great! I can't wait to see it in person.

Unknown said...

Wow!! Tha looks amazing! good job! Isn't fixing up a house so much fun? (ok, most of the fun is when the projects are completed but it feels great, doesn't it!) What do you use to paint a tub? I should do this in the kids bath.

Grandma said...

Lori that looks amazing. I'm so proud of you. It looks brand new.
I love it.
I bet you do too.

Lori said...

Thank you everyone! It was a big job and I'm quite proud of it. I used a tub refinishing kit from Lowe's that cost $45 and ALOT of elbow grease - let me suggest that if you can find steel wool pads for your sander, do so. My neck and shoulders are still trying to unknot themselves!!!

Unknown said...

K, I'm gonna try it. I hope it turns out as good as yours!

mindy said...

That looks incredible! I didn't even know you could refinish a tub. I used some pocelain touch up paint on some nicks in a tub once and it looked terrible and flaked off eventually. That looks great!

Barry Lauritzen said...

When my kids (especially my girls) accomplish something this amazing, I feel more proud than I can tell you. It looks like someone learned something from their parents during the growing years. If nothing else, you have learned a "can do" mentality. Terrific job, Lori.

John said...


How about a blast from the past? It's John Bosick here and I would love to catch up. I recently came across a wonderful letter you wrote me years ago, about HIV, do you remember it? I'm still kickin' and living in Denver. My email address is or my mobile # is 303.587.5430. All my work these days is as a musician, so I'm around and available to answer the phone most of the time!!!

You are such a fond memory, I really would love to hear from you.
