Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ah...Little League

Alright, I know it's been a while and all but I'm finally getting around to posting some stuff so Jeny won't be SO bored tomorrow at work. Here are the few pictures of Nico's Little League opening ceremony...


Busy Minnesota Mama said...

Hi there. First I need to tell you that you are quite ambitious to renovate your home but I know it will be very rewarding. Also, your son looks like a busy boy with Scouts, baseball, etc. Finally, I want to say, You've been surfed. Come on over to my blog to see what that means.

Unknown said...

Thank you! thank you! thank you! I love new blogs. And just so everyone knows, we got a new boss here - Lorne sold out to the owner of the building we are renting, and I haven't been so bored lately - but that doesn't mean I won't be checking the blogs still!