Yes, I'm still alive and remember how to use the camera and computer. Here are some shots from our weekend last, in San Antonio for Joshua's baptism.
Here's the baptism boy and his TALL cousin Spencer just before going into the chapel.
Now imagine...Jeny wouldn't get out of the way [well because you know, it's all about me and my pictures]. What a picture hog!
Here is someone who was not thrilled for me to take his picture because I wouldn't let him make stupid faces. Aw, Mom!
He just couldn't help himself! What a goober!
These two are two peas in a pod!
I just can't stand it - he's too cute! I just wanna squeeze 'im!
How weird is this? This is a couple that was in our ward when we lived in San Antonio. They moved away. We moved away. Now they're back and in Amy's ward. They coached Tere in basketball when we were there.
The next day in downtown San Antonio...

That's all folks! Wish you'd all been there!!!!